TaxWatch give evidence at Treasury Select Committee

TaxWatch give evidence at Treasury Select Committee

TaxWatch Acting Director Alex Dunnagan gave evidence to the Treasury Select Committee (TSC) on Monday 19th December highlighting the abuse of tax reliefs. Written evidence In November we submitted written evidence to the TSC for their inquiry on tax reliefs, focussing...
Parliament forces Netflix to respond to TaxWatch research

Parliament forces Netflix to respond to TaxWatch research

Netflix has agreed to respond to TaxWatch’s investigation into the company’s tax affairs after a request from the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) Committee. Our report revealed that the TV giant had streamed up to $430m of profits into offshore tax havens in...
Loan Charge Parliamentary Debate

Loan Charge Parliamentary Debate

A debate was held in the House of Commons yesterday on the Government Response to the Sir Amyas Morse Review of the Loan Charge. Ahead of this we published an explainer on what disguised remuneration is here, and a more detailed briefing here. David Davis, Ruth...