UK corporation tax

TaxWatch’s summary of the UK General Election party manifestos

TaxWatch reflects on the party manifestos for the upcoming General Election

The uncertain future of the UK’s Digital Services Tax

TaxWatch reflects on the Liberal Democrat proposal to hike Digital Services Tax

Gold plating tax reliefs for the silver screen

What are the implications of the additional fiscal support given to the creative industries in the Spring Budget, and do the changes provide value for money?

TaxWatch responds to the Spring Budget 2024

The TaxWatch team focuses its thoughts on a few areas of the Budget statement it found particularly interesting, from a tax compliance and administration standpoint.

Would scrapping furnished holiday let tax benefits really raise £300m?

Abolishing preferential tax rules for furnished holiday lets owners will only raise the speculated revenue if the compliance rules are carefully thought out.

How much tax did multinational companies underpay in the UK last year?

A recent story about multinational companies underpaying billions of pounds of UK tax caught our attention, but it turns out the figures aren’t quite what they seem.

Research & Development tax reliefs – never getting any easier

The government’s Autumn Statement 2023 continues to increase the complexity and administrative burden of the UK R&D regime.

TaxWatch responds to the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement 2023

Amongst the theatrical showmanship that characterises UK fiscal events TaxWatch pulls out a few of the more interesting announcements made in today’s Autumn Statement.

Investment allowances: Greasing the oil industry’s machine?

The extremely high level of tax relief available to the UK’s oil and gas companies compared to all other businesses has the potential to distort private sector investment, TaxWatch believes.