Spring Budget 2023

Spring Budget 2023

Nothing for HMRC compliance despite huge returns on investment Increases in sentencing for tax fraud and potential new tax offence– only useful if HMRC successfully prosecutes Tax to be simplified – we’re still not sure exactly how R&D reformed yet again Generous...
Loan Charge Parliamentary Debate

Loan Charge Parliamentary Debate

A debate was held in the House of Commons yesterday on the Government Response to the Sir Amyas Morse Review of the Loan Charge. Ahead of this we published an explainer on what disguised remuneration is here, and a more detailed briefing here. David Davis, Ruth...
Netflix tax affairs debated in the House of Commons

Netflix tax affairs debated in the House of Commons

An adjournment debate on Netflix’s tax affairs was held in the House of Commons last night in response to research conducted by TaxWatch. Rt Hon Dame Margaret Hodge, Labour MP for Barking and chair of the All Party Parliamentary Group on Responsible Tax, called...