State of Tax Administration 2023

State of Tax Administration 2023

25th October 2023 Download the report as a PDF (0.6Mb)   Introduction His Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) carries out the vital role of administering and policing the tax system, and its performance is critical to many aspects of the country’s economy and...
R&D – still changing after all these years

R&D – still changing after all these years

14th March 2023 R&D reliefs predicted to cost over £9bn by 2026-27 – by far the largest corporation tax relief Fraud and error in schemes total over £1.1bn in last three years R&D ‘claims farms’ continue to hard sell opportunities to claim refunds on...
Putting a stop to the tax fraud game

Putting a stop to the tax fraud game

27th October 2022 How ‘legal avoidance’ means getting away with tax fraud, and what needs to be done about it A joint policy paper by the All Party Parliamentary Group on Anti-Corruption and Responsible Tax and TaxWatch Introduction Tax avoidance is legal, tax evasion...
Etsy – Another US tech company with questions to answer

Etsy – Another US tech company with questions to answer

20th June 2022 Etsy says that it is a company “committed to using the power of business and technology to strengthen communities and empower people around the world”. 1Prioritizing the people at the center of commerce, Etsy, But...