by George Turner | Jun 20, 2022
20th June 2022 Etsy says that it is a company “committed to using the power of business and technology to strengthen communities and empower people around the world”. 1Prioritizing the people at the center of commerce, Etsy, But...
by George Turner | Jul 15, 2020
The decision of the European Court of Justice (ECJ) on the Apple case means that Ireland will have to pay back €13bn in taxes they were told to collect from the company by the European Commission. The Commission’s ruling, which was annulled by the court, found...
by Alex Dunnagan | Jan 3, 2020
On New Year’s Eve Google announced that it will be shutting down its double Irish tax avoidance scheme. This double Irish that has cost governments around the world billions in lost tax revenues since it was set up in 2004. The scheme relied on putting...
by George Turner | Jun 5, 2019
The European Commission has replied to TaxWatch’s call to launch an investigation into the tax structure of Google. The Commission has said it will consider the information provided by TaxWatch as part of its ongoing investigation into tax agreements in Ireland and...
by George Turner | Apr 26, 2019
TaxWatch has today written to Commissioner Vestager requesting that the European Commission open an investigation into Google’s European Tax Avoidance scheme, the Double Irish Dutch Sandwich, and specifically whether the Dutch and Irish Governments have provided state...